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Papa John's: Free Pizza and Pepsi Offer

Score a FREE large 1-topping Papa John's pizza + 2 liter of Pepsi Max, here's how!

  1. Log on to to enter Papa John’s Super Bowl XLVI Coin Toss Experience and enroll in Papa Rewards.
  2. While in Papa John's Super Bowl XLVI Coin Toss Experience, click on "Call the Coin Toss" (above) to watch and interact with a fun video starring Jerome Bettis, the Pepsi MAX driver and Papa John that will enable you to enroll in Papa Rewards and "call" the coin toss.
  3. We'll announce the results of America’s vote – "heads" or "tails" – here February 2. To be eligible for the free pizza and Pepsi MAX, America can continue enrolling in Papa Rewards up until 6 p.m. ET Super Bowl Sunday, February 5.
  4. Tune in to Super Bowl XLVI on February 5 on NBC and watch the coin toss! If America's call is correct, all Papa Rewards members will receive an email with instructions on how to get their free large one-topping pizza and a 2-liter Pepsi MAX.

Get started here!