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Win a Costco Shopping Spree from

Back to school is such a fun time of year for us. We've always had the best time picking out school supplies, backpacks, clothes and more.

I've done a lot of my shopping this year online. And going through sites like RetailMeNot is even better! They have all the latest coupon codes, deals and more. You can also download the FREE RetailMeNot Mobile Coupons App to:

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Did you know, according to a recent survey?

In short supply

Of those parents surveyed, 95% say they will have to buy or contribute to their child's classroom because of their school's budget cuts.

  • Almost half of parents (45%) will have to supply their kids with basic cleaning supplies, such as paper towels.
  • Parents will be getting a jump on the flu season, with 47% saying they will supply their own antibacterial products.
  • Working parents and parents with a yearly income of $50K+ think they will have to contribute to the purchase of sports equipment (34% vs. 29%, respectively), musical instruments (26% vs. 25%), iPads (23% vs. 24%), computer software (20% vs. 18%) and uniforms (42% vs. 23%).

Are budgets practical?

Eight in ten (80%) parents typically set a back-to-school budget every fall, less than a quarter (23%) of these parents are likely to come in under this budget.

  • Younger parents are keen on saving money, with ages 18–34 being more likely than those 35 and over to set a budget and come in under it (27% vs. 9%).
  • Parents with an income under $50K are more likely than those with an income $50K+ to set a budget and stick to it (37% vs. 26%).
  • Almost 4 in 10 parents (37%) with an income $50K+ are likely to set a budget and go over it.

How many hundreds will be spent?

When their children in grades K–12 return to class this fall, the average parent estimates that, in addition to tuition costs, they will spend another $285 per child on school-related costs. And more than 1 in 5 (21%) imagine that they will have to invest more than $300 per child on additional school related costs.

  • Fathers are banking on a higher per-child cost than mothers ($333 vs. $247).
  • Parents with an income of $50K+ are likely to spend more than those with income under $50K (average $368 vs. $217).
  • Working parents are likely to spend more than nonworking parents (average $325 vs. $216).

When to shop?

Nearly 3 in 4 parents (71%) start school shopping for the upcoming school year by the end of July.

  • Early shoppers! Parents in urban areas (16%), parents ages 18–34 (14%) and working parents (12%) are more likely shop before the previous school year ends.
  • Parents with an income under $50K are more likely than those with an income of $50K+ to have started shopping by the end of July (52% vs. 41%) and before the previous school year ends (14% vs. 6%).

Did you hear about the really fun contest they are offering? Create a YouTube video nominating your child’s favorite teacher to give them a chance to win a 3-minute Costco shopping spree from RetailMeNot! This would be amazing! Who doesn't love Costco and shopping sprees?

Enter to win here and be sure to submit your nomination by Friday, August 30, 2013.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by RetailMeNot but all opinions are my own.