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Free Kindle Books- 7+ Web Sites

I got my first Kindle about 3 years ago. I've always loved reading and loved stopping by the library at least a few times a month. But when I got my Kindle, it was so much easier to get the latest books- and not have to leave my house!

But as time went on, I realized these books were really adding up in $$. E-books tend to average about $10 each, though you can find sales on them at Amazon. Amazon also has a list of free books , that change on a regular basis. I've gotten fiction books, Gooseberry Patch cookbooks and more for free.

Want to stock up on some free books for your Kindle? Here are 7+ sites that offer FREE books:

These offer 1 million classic titles (now in the public domain) are available at sites such as:

You can also get books at:

  • Public libraries: Here's how to use the service (although the tutorial is intended for Nook owners, the same process applies to Kindle).
  • Any "lending-enabled" Kindle book can be loaned one time for up to 14 days. This site matches borrowers and lenders.
  • Another sharing site.
  • Amazon Prime: Borrow from over 300,000 titles, one per month.