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101 Ways to Make Extra Cash for the Holidays

Courtesy of AOL Jobs, check out this list of 101 ways to earn some extra cash, including:

If you like writing...

Write letters from Santa to kids who have written to him. Be creative!

Do freelance work. Write for AOL through SEED >>

Proofread or edit other writers' work.

Start a blog, and get it sponsored and/or set up merchandising links you can get credit for.

 Write a book and sell it through LuLu as a digital download.

Get paid for writing guides through sites like


If you have a knack for academics...

Tutor students.

Sign-up to teach SAT, GMAT, LSAT, etc. classes.

Give e-lessons: teach basics of Word, Quicken, excel, etc. -- advertise through Craigslist


See complete list