Our family loves going to Disney and Cam got to go on his first trip April 2004. Here are some photos from our vacation. I'll be sharing more of these from 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2012. It's so much fun to look back and see how my son has grown up so fast!
We decided to to drive down, which we didn't know what to expect with a 2 year old! We made sure to pack a lot of toys and treats for Cam. The 20 hour drive begins..

This was a welcome sight!

Checking out the hotel-

We stayed at Pop Century, which was really fun and perfect for Cam!

Cam and Daddy, I love this photo-

Mommy and Cam-

Cam got to meet lots of the Disney characters..

Mickey Mouse was one of his favorites!

All this excitement got Cam tuckered out!

Cam enjoying lunch..

This was our favorite place to eat. They had the best Alfredo!

Another great photo of Cam and Daddy-

Cam loved all the places to splash in the water too.

Epcot at night-

And we had to get him Mickey ears, so cute!
Here is my mini-diary of the trip!
Saturday, March 27th--7:30 pm
-car chase at night
-Applebee's in West Virginia
-driving through WV
-Cam had a hard time with the 13 hour drive
-ate at the crappy McDonald's
-checked in hotel at 9:30 pm
Sunday, March 28th
-went to Walmart to pick up a few things in Savanahh
-arrived in Orlando 2 or 3 pm
-checked into Pop Century, very cool hotel
-had to walk Cam around while Walt checked in for 30 min. wait
-unpacked in room, got settled
-went right to the pool
-cam's first time in a swimming pool
-got pizza in room, extra cheese, yummy!!!!
Monday, March 29th
-left early for Animal Kingdom
-went on the Safari first, Cam loved the animals
-triceratops spin, we all rode
-had a snack of blueberry muffin, churro and water
-walked around, took pictures
-went back to room, took a break
-went to Epcot that night
-had fish and chips for dinner in England, very good
Tuesday, March 30th
-walt left early to ride Tour of Terror
-we all went to MGM that day
-animation show, cam fussed and we had to leave early
-saw the set for Haunted Mansion movie
-walked down New York street
-had lunch at ABC Commissary (cheeseburger, fish and chips, chicken nuggets, mousse and orange flan)
-left early for break time
-Magic Kingdom at night, tried to ride some rides. the lines were too long.
Wednesday, March 31st
-diane was sick
-went to Epcot
-cam met Mickey
-went to Mexico, rode the river of time
-went to Norway, rode the boat ride
-walked through some of the countries
-took pictures
-had lunch at L Originale de Alfredo de Roma--fettuchinne alfredo and cam had chicken fingers
-walked through Japan, walt got some cool souveniers (rice candy)
-pastries at the French pastry shop
Thursday, April 1st
-went to Magic Kingdom the whole day
-Small World
-Winnie the Pooh fast pass
-lunch at Crystal Palace, cam met Pooh and friends. walt liked salmon and rice. diane ate off the kid's menu
-Hall of Presidents
-gift shops
-Carosel of progress
-Space Mountain (fast pass)
-group picture
-Cam's special Mickey ears
Friday, April 2nd
-left around 11 am for downtown disney
-earl of sandwich
-lego playland
-cam liked the squirrel at lunch
-did lots of shopping
-walked around
-took pictures
-came back, Cam played in kids water sprinkler thing, he loved it!
-cooler out today, mid 70's
-ordered pizza and breadsticks for dinner
-relaxed and rested for drive home

It was a wonderful trip. See you next year, Disney!