Align Class Action Suit
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Have you purchased and used Align® probiotic supplements, but received no digestive relief or other digestive benefit? If so, you may be entitled to a refund as part of a class action settlement.
What does this settlement involve? A settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit against The Procter & Gamble Company (“P&G” or “Defendant”) about the advertising of P&G’s Align® probiotic supplement. P&G denies all of the claims in the lawsuit and any wrongdoing, and continues to stand behind its Align® product as an effective probiotic. The Court has not decided the dispute. Instead, the parties agreed to a settlement.
Who is included? You’re a “Settlement Class Member” if you purchased Align®, not for resale, within the United States or its territories from March 1, 2009 to June 6, 2016.
What does the settlement provide? Depending on when the purchases were made, a Settlement Class Member who submits a valid claim may receive a cash refund of up to $49.26, for up to a maximum of three Align® purchases. P&G agreed to pay up to $15 million in cash refunds. Settlement Class Members may submit a Claim Form for up to two packages of Align® purchased from March 1, 2009 through October 31, 2009 (a refund of $15.88 per package) and one package of Align® purchased from November 1, 2009 through June 6, 2016 (a refund of $17.50). Actual refund amounts may be reduced on a proportionate basis based on the total amount of refunds claimed by all Settlement Class Members. In addition, P&G will refrain from making certain advertising claims for Align®. P&G also will make Digestive Health Improvement Contributions (“DHIC”) targeted to directly benefit the Class; namely, U.S. consumers who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (“IBS”) or who regularly seek assistance and care for their digestive health. DHIC will be intellectual property, research or education grants, or product donations to research or educational institutions or programs working to improve digestive health. Initially, P&G will contribute at least $5 million in DHIC. If eligible refund claims are below $10 million, P&G will contribute additional DHIC so the total aggregate contributions to the Class (including Cash Refunds and all DHIC) will reach $15 million. If the aggregate amount of eligible refund claims exceeds $15 million, each eligible Settlement Class Member’s award shall be reduced on a pro rata basis to reach a total of $15 million and P&G will contribute, approximately dollar-for-dollar above $15,000,000, additional DHIC up to a maximum of $25,000,000 total value (including cash refunds and all DHIC) to the Settlement Class.
How do I get a payment? You must submit a valid Claim Form by May 16, 2018. Claim Forms may be submitted online at,