Hire a babysitter via a babysitting service or choose a private babysitter to watch your kiddos on May 12th.
Take a photo of the receipt or invoice provided by the service provider with the company’s letterhead and date confirming that babysitting services will be used on May 12, 2019.
If you are hiring a private sitter, you’ll need to take a photo of the signed proof of payment with the following information “I, your name, confirm that I engaged in hiring babysitting services for use on May 12, 2019.”
Follow the instructions which will include asking you to upload the invoice or proof of payment photo.
You will also be asked to add a brief description of why you need some time away during Mother’s Day.
Once your submission has been validated, you will score the exact amount to cover babysitting fees up to $100 (limit one offer per person/per email address or household).
Note that Kraft is only paying for up to $50,000 worth of babysitting, so submit your request as soon as the form goes live to ensure you get in before the max has been reached!