Amazon Pre-Order Price Match Guarantee Info

You can find the Amazon Pre-Order Price Match Guarantee any time you find a not-yet-available product listed on Amazon as a preorder. The guarantee means Amazon will only charge you the lowest price offered from the time you place the order until the day the product is officially released.

Does the Amazon Pre-Order Price Match Guarantee work on Digital Content?

Yes! It applies to any digital game, software download, Kindle book, or Amazon music that has the “Pre-order Price Guarantee” message on the product listing page. This guarantees you will get it for the lowest price offered by Just note that the guarantee is offered from the time you ordered it until the release date.

As with any promotion, you should expect rules and restrictions. Here are some guidelines to consider:

  1. The price match only applies to items sold by It doesn’t apply to other sellers on Amazon or to products purchased on other sites owned by (such as

  2. Only items that are not yet released and that explicitly list the “Pre-order Price Guarantee” message are eligible.

  3. The price match does not correspond with any other discounts — like those checkbox coupons you see on product pages. Although those would reduce your total cost, they wouldn’t be considered a price change, and wouldn’t qualify.


What happens if the product ships before the release date and there is a price drop on the day of the release?

You’ll be refunded the difference in the price in difference. The refund will reflect the price difference when the product enters the shipping process before the release date and there’s a price change before the end of the day on the official release date. The difference will automatically be refunded to the credit or debit card you used to make the purchase.