Krispy Kreme New Paris Donut Collection

  • Crème Brûlée Doughnut – Unglazed shell doughnut filled with crème brûlée flavored cream dipped in crème brûlée flavored caramel icing and topped with a caramelized sugar crunch topping

  • Double Chocolate Éclair Doughnut – Unglazed shell doughnut filled with chocolate custard cream dipped in chocolate icing and topped with decorative crisp pearls

  • Raspberry & Vanilla Crème Doughnut – Original Glazed doughnut dipped in raspberry icing and cookie pieces, topped with a dollop of vanilla buttercream

  • Caramel Brown Sugar Crème Brûlée Latte – Latte blended with Crème Brûlée flavors, topped with whipped cream, and sprinkled with caramelized sugar crunch pieces – served hot, iced, or frozen